Rocky Knoll Farm

Dorothy Amateis


Dorothy Amateis blossoms have a fantastic deep purple hue, and each flower is accented with a darker blotch pattern on the upper dorsal, which help make this rhododendron a spectacle. While pictures don't tell the entire story, we do encourage customers to look at the white anthers and the color texture of the petals in our photos, which help show the range of beauty and character of Dorothy Amateis's bountiful rounded trusses.

This special hybrid from the early 1970's is known to be more climate hardy than most rhododendrons. It has an upright growth habit and can reach 5' tall when mature. Place in full sun to partial shade and watch for midseason blooms. Our bloom photos were taken at the end of May, here in Oregon. Hardy to -15°F when protected from windchill.

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